/ Production / Production process / Cold rolling

Cold rolling

To reduce the thickness of strips, a four high rolling mill is used, with high-level accuracy on a wide range of thicknesses. Continuous electronic and mechanical innovations have characterised the system over the course of the years, making this machine one of the most modern in the market. Since 2014 it has been fitted with x-ray thickness gauges, which when connected to the automated control of rolling rolls, are able to guarantee very tight, stable and constant tolerances along the entire length and width of the strip. The rolling mill's structure and its commands are optimised in order to continuously ensure the best possible flatness at the centre and along the edges of strips.

Following the cold rolling process, the material has a precise and stable thickness in all points, with good flatness.

O.La.N. Officina Laminazione Nastri S.r.l.

Via Sesia, 2 - 20089 - Quinto Stampi di Rozzano

Milan, Italy

P.IVA 00779310150



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